AGwatch is daily agenda watchface for the Pebble/Pebble Time smartwatch.
AGwatch gives you the following information:

The pebble app configuration lets you chose:

The Agenda zone

This zone displays upcoming next three events calculated from the AGw Configuration file. Before each entry, the number of day (or month or year) is displayed before the event text. See picture above for sample! With Peeble Time, the background color changes from dark blue to red according to the next event proximity.

The Biorhythm zone

Biorhythm mode displays the name of the personne, the biorythm values and the biorythm graph. For more info about biorythm please look the Wiki

AGw Configuration file

AGwatch works a little bit different than other calendar watchface because it uses a configuration file to setup the daily agenda (and the biorhythm) rather than getting it from the phone calendar.
The AGw configuration file is a simple text file (in UTF8 !) that is loaded from the Internet each time the configuration is saved from the Pebble App. Once loaded from the Internet, the file is stored in Persistent memory of the watch and no further Internet or Bluetooth access is needed: this ensures a minimal battery power usage.
If you need to refresh or update the AGw configuration, just enter and save to pebble configuration to reload the file.
Each line is an entry and begin with a prefix and must end with the semi-column character “;”. Within the line, each parameter is separated by a column. The format is x:value for numeric or x:”value” for character (where x is the parameter). Unrevelant parameters can be omitted to reduce the file size. Beware, parameters are case sensitive.
- If line begins with a=, it’s an agenda entry
- If line begins with b=, it’s an biorhythm entry
Please look at the sample here, that’s very easy to setup! You can even try with this URL to see how it looks!

Agenda entry

Prefix a=     Sample
Month m: numeric Value of the month. 1=January, 12=December, 0=any month m=1 for january
Day d: numeric Value of the day. 0=any day  
Weekday w: char[2] Value of the weekday and occurrence of the day within the month.
m or L = monday, u or A = tuesday, w or E = wednesday, t or J = thurday, f or V = friday, a or S = saturday, s or D = sunday
w:”s1”  for the first Sunday of the month.
w:"f0" for every friday
Notification n: numeric Number of day that trigger the Agenda. 0=always n:7 event will be displayed only seven day before it occurs.
text t: string Text display for the event. Could accept a parameter  
Parameter type p: char[1] Type of the follow parameter.
A or Y for Year (use %d in text)
R for Wedding gift (use %s in text)
V for AGwatch version (use %s in text)
Value q: numeric Value of the parameter.
For A, Y or R, the result is computed like this: current year - 1900 - value


Suffix ;     Always finish the line with ;


Biorhythm entry

Prefix b=     Sample
Month m: numeric Value of the month. 1=January, 12=December, 0=any month m=1 for january
Day d: numeric Value of the day. 0=any day  
Year y: numeric the year is computed like this: current y + 1900 y=70 is for 1970, y=115 for 2015
text t: string Text display for the Bioriythm  
Suffix ;     Always finish the line with ;